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Did You Try Turning It Off and On (and other adventures in the field of Computer Science)?

nick burns your company's computer guy

Before Millennials were old enough to stay up for Saturday Night Live, Jimmy Fallon was not a late-night host, he was “Nick Burns, Your Company’s Computer Guy.” This ever-suffering, recurring SNL character fit all the IT professional clichés and stereotypes and inevitably fixed the simple computer problem that served to baffle the employee unlucky enough to have to call for his assistance. His exasperated catch-phrases, “move!” and “you’re welcome!” served to show his disdain at the (perceived by him) idiocy of the person who couldn’t figure out what was wrong with the computer. Being an SNL skit, this was of course a grossly exaggerated depiction of an IT professional, but have you ever wondered how many times an IT specialist has “fixed” a computer by instructing the computer’s owner to simply turn it off and then back on again? Or have you pondered recently just how advanced computer science has become?

The online information technology magazine InfoWorld supplies both technology news and user tips to the IT and business world. It also supplies a content-load of articles on IT professional blunders, weird Computer Science information, and some of the most outrageous IT stories. For instance, did you know that human skin can now power machines? Or that infrared tracking lights can follow the tiniest eye movements to create graphic art? Some of the stories that bewildered and perplexed IT techs include the instance of a client declaring hysterically that there was a bouncing ball on his computer screen that was exploding–turns out it was his screen saver. Or the one in which a client called to ask how to remove the sharpie marks from her laptop screen (she had made notes on the project she was working on her computer on with the permanent marker, and, sadly, there was nothing that could be done for her).

What is crystal clear from these stories and news reports is that computers, and the people who help keep them running for us, are not going away–in fact, they are becoming more and more integrated in our lives. With that knowledge, it should be no surprise that many professionals are seeking out a master’s degree in computer science to advance themselves in the field. With an expanding job market offering job security, larger salaries, and interesting opportunities, getting an advanced degree just makes sense–and what makes even more sense is pursuing the degree online. Getting your degree on your own time and from the comfort of your current location–that’s the world in which we live today. There are a plethora of excellent schools now offering online master’s degrees in the computer science and technology fields. For even more information or to start your search for the perfect school, take a look at our list of some of the best online master’s in computer science degree programs.

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